The Spike S-512 Supersonic Jet is the fastest, most advanced civilian aircraft anywhere. Its uncompromising engineering is focused not just on supersonic flight but also on being the first low-boom, fuel efficient, environmentally conscious supersonic jet.

The Spike S-512 Supersonic Business Jet is one of the most advanced civilian aircraft that has to not only fly at supersonic speeds but must do so while taking into account environmental, economic, safety, noise, regulatory and investment considerations. The engineering is difficult enough, but the real challenge is satisfying ALL the requirements.
The design of the Spike S-512 has undergone multiple concept designs and is currently in its fourth iteration. Thousands of engineering hours have been spent studying each of the concepts and optimizing the aircraft’s performance to meet the needs of very demanding customers and regulators. Each time, detailed analysis shows where the aircraft meets requirements and areas where we have work to do. Design continues to be improved upon as we learn from further analysis and our first prototypes.
We are getting closer and making tremendous progress towards building the world’s first quiet, supersonic business jet.